Stable Swap
Swapping MUSD for other stablecoins
Our stableswap allow users to swap their MUSD stable coins for USDT, DAI, or USDC. We will enable more stables once our liquidity is reached optimal level.
Enter the amount of MUSD tokens you would like to swap, and select the stable coin you wish to swap into.
Swapping MUSD for other tokens
Our MM.Finance swap allow users to swap their MUSD stable coins for assets like MMF and various tokens that are listed on MMF.
Enter the amount of MUSD tokens you would like to swap, and select the tokens you wish to swap into.
Stable Swap
With the launch of our MM StableSwap, our MMF ecosystem is now far more capital efficient; allowing traders to swap between stable tokens more efficiently.
What makes our Stableswap different from traditional AMM and DEX?
Lowest trading feesβββMM StableSwap offers traders far lower trading fees for stablecoin trades than any other dex (0.17β0.25% per trade on average in traditional dexes vs. 0.04% on MM StableSwap). You pay 5x less fees per trade!
Minimal slippageβββLarge traders and high-volume trading pairs are subject to high slippage on a traditional DEX, but MM StableSwap is able to prevent high slippage on stablecoin pairings.
No impermanent lossβββLiquidity providers on MM StableSwap supply stablecoin pairs that eliminate impermanent loss.
Hereβs what you can do
Form 3MM LPs here that consist of DAI/USDC/USDT and stake it at MMF farm to earn MMF tokens for providing liquidity. You can choose to supply the tokens within the LP in any ratio preferred.
Do note that if the ratio added is sub optimal, you will experience a small slippage. Vice versa, if you help to equalise the stables in the pool, you get to receive a bonus in LP tokens. This is how the 3MM regulates itself to optimize swaps.
Buy $MUSD token to form MUSD-3MM LP and stake it at MMF farm to earn MMF tokens for providing liquidity. You can choose to supply the tokens within the LP in any ratio preferred.
If you are a developer, you can create your own USD stablecoin with our friendly interface. Speak to us if you are keen to launch your own stables.
Last updated