(Dashboard) Component - These are the components you can use as collateral to borrow MUSD.
Total Value Locked (TVL) - This shows the total value of the components that are deposited in each market by all users.
Left to Borrow - This shows how many MUSD are still available to be borrowed using that component. Once this number goes to 0, no leverage position or new loans can be opened. In order to borrow more MUSD users need to wait for the replenishing of that particular market!
Interest - This is the annualized percentage of which your debt will grow each year. Liquidation Fees - This is the discount a liquidator will get when liquidating a position that has been flagged for liquidation.
Liquidation Price - A liquidation price of $0.69 means that if your interest-bearing token drops to or below $0.69, your position is at risk of being liquidated. The liquidation price shown is always linked to the interest-bearing token which is used to borrow MUSD. (Managing Position)
Collateral deposited - This is the amount of component tokens you have supplied to this position.
Collateral value - This is the total value in USD of all the components you have supplied to this position
MUSD borrowed - This is the total value and quantity of MUSD you have borrowed. The protocol always considers 1 MUSD to equal 1 USD
Liquidation price - This is the price of the component at which your position will be flagged for liquidation.
MUSD left to borrow - This is how many MUSD you may still borrow before have reached your maximum allowance. To adjust this allowance you may either repay or add collateral.
1MUSD = 1USD - This static number reminds the user that the protocol always considers 1MUSD to equal 1USD.
Maximum collateral ratio - Maximum collateral ratio represents the maximum amount of debt a user can borrow with a selected collateral token.
Liquidation fee - This is the discount a liquidator gets when buying collateral flagged for liquidation.
Borrow fee -This fee is added to your debt every time you borrow MUSD. As an example, if you borrow 1000 MUSD your debt will be increased to 1000.5 MUSD but you will actually receive 1000 MUSD. These 0.5 MUSD will be distributed to BURROW holders.
Interest - This is the annualized percent that your debt will increase each year. The interest fee is later distributed to BURROW holders.
Last updated