Single Finance (AMO)
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As part of the Single AMO, we will be putting on loan MUSD into Single Finance. These will be over-collaterised loans that will generate interest for $BURROW holders.
What is particularly synergistic about this AMO is the fact that Single Finance will launch Long-only, or neutral farming positions for users that wish to farm MMF-MUSD, CRO-MUSD etc. This achieves many things:
Buying pressure on MMF (no short positions will be made available) - eg you open a $10,000 USD strategy on MMF-MUSD at 3x > You will need to borrow $20,000 to do a $30,000 total position ($15,000 MMF and $15,000 MUSD) > This way, all the borrowed MMF ($15,000) goes to longing MMF
More utilities for MUSD - more use case as MUSD get used in more platforms in the cronos space.
Strong revenue stream for MMF.Money platform, especially as Single finance grows in presence and TVL, resulting in more interest earned. The MUSD supplied to Single Finance will generate yields which will be 100% poured back into our MMF Money protocol to benefit our $BURROW stakers.
Deepening of MM Finance liquidity pools on the main pairs as users are able to leverage a smaller position into a bigger position LP. Eg, a $10,000 MUSD position can become a $30,000 USD position of MMF-MUSD, bolstering our liquidity on MM.Finance
Learn more about how Single Finance works: