$MMF (Polygon)
Ticker: MMF
Contract Address: 0x22a31bD4cB694433B6de19e0aCC2899E553e9481
Chain: Polygon Chain (POS / ERC20)
MMF is the core token that powers the MM Finance ecosystem and its an utility token.
Earn MMF from Yield Farms and Pools, buy it on the exchange, then explore its use cases:
Stake it in Pools or Farms to earn rewards
Get access to launchpad via MMF
Total Supply
500,000,000 MMF
Initial Allocation
1% (5,000,000 MMF ) for Launchpad
1% (5,000,000 MMF ) for Liquidity Formation Post Launchpad
5% (25,000,000 MMF ) will be allocated to CRONOS MM users
8% (40,000,000 MMF ) will be used for development (tech), partnership with ecological construction, including marketing, promotional activities, liquidity management, including CEX listing - unlocked linearly in 8 months
85% (425,000,000 MMF ) will be allocated to MMF community members
can be earned by staking of LPs in yield farm
can be earned by single MMF staking
Farm and pool emissions will be released over time depending on the emission per block. We will be tapering down emissions along the way once the team feels that the liquidity is sufficient on our platform for trading.
Last updated