MMF token
The only token that will be created on Arbitrum by the MM Team
MMF Arbitrum token address: 0x56b251d4b493ee3956E3f899D36b7290902D2326
xMMF Arbitrum token address: 0xB8635f1644422e7EbcA07C06b839075A74f57dBB
Core information about our token
$MMF is MM Finance's native utility token.
Max supply: 1,000,000,000 MMF tokens
Intended max supply: 500,000,000 MMF tokens (If we hit sustainability earlier, we will opt to burn the rest of the MMF supply that has not been minted)
Launchpad and initial supply: 1.25% Liquidity providers (through farm and pool rewards): 88.75% Development fund (vested over 12 months): 4% Marketing and ecosystem fund (vested over 12 months): 4% Team treasury (vested over 24 months): 2%
Initial supply: 12,500,000 MMF tokens
Launchpad: 5,000,000 MMF
Initial liquidity: 4,000,000 MMF (80% of all fund raised will be used to form MMF/USDC LP)
Marketing campaigns: 500,000 MMF
Remaining 3,000,000 MMF tokens will be locked out of circulating supply into xMMF, and subsequently locked as veMMF tokens for voting rights
Emission Per Block Initially: 24 MMF per block (to be reduced gradually over time)
Last updated